
Splenic B-cell Lymphoma/Leukaemia with Prominent Nucleoli (SBLPN)

Splenic B-cell Lymphoma/Leukaemia with Prominent Nucleoli (SBLPN)
Author: Najmaldin Saki Ph.D; Bita Bandar M.Sc; Mohammad Amin Vahid M.Sc; Inas Afzali Nezhad B.Sc
Category: Lymphoma: Mature B-cell and Plasma cell Neoplasms > Splenic lymphomas > Splenic B-cell lymphoma/leukemia, unclassifiable > Hairy cell leukemia-variant
Published Date: 01/18/2024

The image shows different types of lymphoid cells in the peripheral blood smear of a 69 year-old male patient diagnosed with Splenic B-cell Lymphoma/Leukaemia with Prominent Nucleoli (SBLPN) or previously called Hairy Cell Leukemia type variant (HCL-v).(blood WBC count:39.60 ×10^9/L)
The neoplastic lymphoid cells are hybrids, with an intermediate morphology between prolymphocytes and hairy cells. Neoplastic lymphoid cells are medium-sized with prominent nucleolus and hair-like cytoplasmic projections which may resemble the hairy cells. SBLPN is rare and the neoplastic cells are negative for HCL markers CD25, annexin A1, TRAP, and CD123.