
Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Reed-Sterberg cell

Author: Nidia P. Zapata, MD, 02/06/2018
Category: Lymphoma: Hodgkin Lymphoma
Published Date: 02/09/2018

A 34 years old female, with a 4month history of b symptoms, jaundice, at her admission to the hospital CT scanner was perform describe hepatosplenomegaly. Blood test total bilis:9.4mg/dL, LDH 1109UI/L leucocytes: 3.5m/mm3, Hb:12.2g/dL, Platelets: 67m/mm3. Bone marrow was perform with the finding of Owl eyes, biopsy report Classic Hodgkin lymphoma CD30, CD15, CD20+, EBV (LMP1)+.