
Elliptocytes in PBS 2

Elliptocytes in PBS 2
Author: Najmaldin Saki (Ph.D.); Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Pezeshki (M.Sc.); Majid Safa (Ph.D.)
Category: Laboratory Hematology > Basic cell morphology
Published Date: 04/15/2021

Here is the case of a female patient with microcytic hypochromic view of PBS (RBC: 5.00; MCV: 65.8 fL; MCH: 20.8 pg; MCHC: 31.6 g/dL; Hb: 10.4 g/dL; RDW-CV: 14.6%. As you can see, PBS is full of elliptocytes. This red blood cell morphology can be seen in iron deficiency anemia and hereditary elliptocytosis.