
Histologic and immunocytochemical features of posttransplantation HHV8-related neoplastic diseases

Histologic and immunocytochemical features of posttransplantation HHV8-related neoplastic diseases
Author: Giovanni Riva, Mario Luppi, Patrizia Barozzi, Fabio Forghieri, and Leonardo Potenza
Category: Lymphoma: Mature B-cell and Plasma cell Neoplasms > Virus-associated lymphoproliferations > HHV8-associated lymphoproliferative disorders > Multicentric Castleman Disease (MCD)
Published Date: 12/06/2012

A) Top : KS. section of a skin lesion characterized by typical “spindle-like” neoplastic cells and surrounding “slit-like” vascular spaces Bottom : , LANA-1 immunostaining demonstrated HHV8 latent infection in the neoplastic spindle-like cells, within the KS lesion . (B) PEL: cytospin preparation from pleural effusion, showing a massive aggregate of neoplastic lymphoid cells with 2 evident mitotic figures. May-Grünwald-Giemsa stain typically revealed immunoblastic cells with dark basophilic cytoplasm and anaplastic cells with prominent scant light staining basophilic cytoplasm (C) MCD: LANA-1 immunostaining in lymph node biopsy showing typical MCD-associated pattern, with positive plasmablastic B cells surrounding the follicular center