
Image showing metaphase, processed metaphase and Karyotype 3

Image showing metaphase, processed metaphase and Karyotype 3
Author: Mr Anil Kumar Yadav, Dr Manorama Bhargava
Category: Myeloid Neoplasms and acute leukemia (WHO 2016)
Published Date: 06/16/2018

The Bone marrow aspirate culture [time : 17 h, overnight with and without colcemid: with 5% CO2] showed both interphase and metaphase. The metaphase is stained and banded by GTG method. The metaphase cells are screened at x10 then focused at ×100 oil immersion and then captured at Cytogenetics workstation, Carl Zeiss Axios cope Z2 and processed using IKAROS software. Once the capturing is over, metaphase images are processed and analysed, and chromosomes are arranged as per length, centromere position and banding pattern. If required then it is compared by using Ideogram. The complete clinical history including pathology (PB, aspirate and biopsy), other technique results if available, is very important during reporting.

The metaphase cell shown in image has 46,XY, karyotype.