
Dysplastic neutrophil in MDS with GATA2 mutation

Dysplastic neutrophil in MDS with GATA2 mutation
Author: Joseph Cho, MD, PhD; Girish Venkataraman, MD
Category: Myeloid Neoplasms and acute leukemia (WHO 2016) > Myeloid neoplasms with germline predisposition >

With other organ dysfunction


Myeloid neoplasms with germline GATA2 mutation

Published Date: 07/03/2018

Wright stain demonstrates granulocytic dysplasia in the peripheral blood of a patient diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) with germline GATA2 mutation. Shown is a dysplastic neutrophil with cytoplasmic hypogranularity, abnormal nuclear segmentation and chromatin clumping. Patients with MDS with germline GATA2 mutation have a high risk of evolution to AML or development of CMML.