
Atypical HUS

Atypical HUS
Author: Govind Kendre, DM; Shruti Mantri, DM; Chandrakala S, DM; Farah Jijina, MD; Sunil Hilalpure, MD; Suraj Goyanka, MD, Leo Prince,MD; Murli, MD
Category: Red Cell: Hemolytic Anemia (HA) > Acquired non-immune HAs > Fragmentation Hemolysis > Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemias
Published Date: 12/30/2018

12 year old male child presented with acute renal failure, anemia & thrombocytopenia without any recent history of gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms. His CBC showed Hb-6.5 gm%, WBC count-6500/cubic milimeter and platelet count- 60000/microlitre. Peripheral blood smear showed many shistocytes and high anti-FH antibody titre thus confirmed as a diagnosis of atypical HUS.