

Author: Shruti Mantri, DM; Govind Kendre, DM; Sunil Hilalpure, MD; Suraj Goyanka, MD; Leo Prince, MD; Murlidharan C, MD; Chandrakala S, DM; Farah Jijina, MD
Category: Platelet and Megakaryocyte Disorders > Pseudothrombocytopenia
Published Date: 01/19/2019

63 year old male was referred for thrombocytopenia with a platelet count of <20,000/microliter on two occasions. On enquiry, there was no history of easy bruisability, petechiae, ecchymosis or bleeding from any site. Physical examination was normal.

A complete blood count (CBC) by an automated counter in the hematology lab showed hemoglobin of 15 gm%, total leucocyte counts of 7,500 cells/ cu.mm and platelet counts of 20,000/microliter. A peripheral smear examination showed multiple aggregates of platelets. All previous CBCs were done using ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) as an anticoagulant. When the CBC was done using sodium citrate as an anticoagulant, the platelet count was found to be 2,10,000 /microliter. Hence, a diagnosis of pseudothrombocytopenia was made and no further workup or treatment was required.