
Plasma Discoloration in a Female Blood Donor on Oral Contraceptive Pill

Plasma Discoloration in a Female Blood Donor on Oral Contraceptive Pill
Author: Manish Raturi, MD, MBBS; Shamee Shastry, MD, MBBS; Divya Rai, MD, MBBS
Category: Hemostasis and coagulation > Miscellaneous
Published Date: 02/12/2019

1. A green coloured plasma unit was found while segregating fresh frozen plasma in a blood bank deep freezer.

2. We decided to review the etiology and subsequent transfusion implications

3. Sample from this plasma unit sent for culture was reported as sterile.

4. When we contacted the donor (25 year old female donor) telephonically, a history of oral contraceptive pill intake was revealed by her.

5. However, as per our institute policy, the plasma unit was not transfused and eventually discarded.

6. In India there is need for national guidelines on transfusion implications of discolored plasma.