
Morphological variants of plasma cell myeloma cases 4-7

Morphological variants of plasma cell myeloma cases  4-7
Author: Dr. Vinoth kumar G, MD; Dr. Rutvi Dave MD; Dr. Tulasi Geever MD; Dr. Nitty Mathews MD; Dr. Arpana Palle MD; Dr. Fouzia N.A DM; Dr. Anup J Devasia DM; Dr.Vikram Mathews DM; Dr. Elanthenral Sigamani MD; Dr. Marie Therese Manipadam MD; Dr. Sukesh C Nair MD
Category: Lymphoma: Mature B-cell and Plasma cell Neoplasms > Plasma Cell Neoplasm > Plasma cell myeloma
Published Date: 08/17/2020

Figure II (4-7 cases). Case(4A) BM aspirate: Crystal storing histiocytes.  4(B) Plasma cells showing intracytoplasmic crystal similar to histiocytes . 4(C) trephine biopsy: Focal nodular and interstitial infiltrates of plasma cells including ocassional immature forms and aggregates of histiocytes. Case 5A: Bone marrow aspirate shows large atypical cell with markedly pleomorphic nuclei and moderate amounts of pale eosinophilic  cytoplasm resembling dysplastic megakaryocytes.  5B trephine biopsy with immature/atypical cells with eccentrically placed hyperchromatic, lobated and pleomorphic nuclei with clumped chromatin and moderate amounts of pale eosinophilic cytoplasm resembling dysplastic megakaryocytes. 5C Atypical cells were positive for MUM 1 immunohistochemistry. Case 6A&B  bone marrow aspirate shows plasma cells with numerous large, cytoplasmic azurophilic like granules. Case 07: Bone marrow showed 70% plasma cells with predominant atypical multilobulated popcorn like morphology including immature forms.