
Mucor in lung parenchymal lesion on ROSE of EBUS-TBNA masquerading as neoplasm

Mucor in lung parenchymal lesion on ROSE of EBUS-TBNA masquerading as neoplasm
Category: Infectious Disease > Fungi > Mucor
Published Date: 10/16/2024

An Indian male in his late 20s in precovid era presented with dry cough and weight loss from 15 days. HRCT chest showed heterogenously echoic lung parenchymal lesion in right side upper lobe measuring 21x18x14 mm. The margins were irregular and infiltrating,the radiological findings were suggestive of right lung neoplasm,favoring malignancy. The EBUS-TBNA was planned, aspirate shows fungal elements on rapid on-site evaluation. Giemsa stained smears show non-septate branching broad fungal hyphae. There was no atypical cell or necrosis identified in all smears screened. A cytomorphological diagnosis of Mucormycosis was awarded on EBUS-TBNA on ROSE.