
Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes

Author: SOMIYA LAMRABAT, MD, 02/09/2021
Category: Infectious Disease > Parasites > Malaria > P. falciparum
Published Date: 02/18/2021

A military veteran returning from Cameron after 11 months presented with a picture of an influenza-like illness following infection with Coronavirus (Covid-19).

A thick drop and a peripheral blood smear were performed and demonstrated the presence of numerous Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes.

Image 1: Reactional morphological abnormality of neutrophil granulocyte in malaria: hyposegmentation of the nucleus, and presence of malarial pigment in the cytoplasm.

Image 2: Gametocytes of P. falciparum in a thick blood smear.

Image 3: Gametocytes of P. falciparum in a thin blood smear showing:

·         An early stage gametocyte.

·         Female gametocyte: Crescent/banana-like shape with blue cytoplasm and a central mass of chromatin that consists of black rod-like granules.

·         Male gametocytes: Almost morphologically identical to the female gametocyte but thicker and less crescentic.