
Leg Ulcer complication

Author: Daryush Purrahman AM, MSc, 06/14/2021
Category: Red Cell: Hemoglobin disorder > Sickle cell anemia and related sickling syndromes
Published Date: 06/29/2021

Leg ulcer complication in sickle cell patient.

The patient is a 40y man diagnosed with sickle cell from 7years old. 

WBC: 10.1, RBC: 2.29, Hb: 8.4, HCT: 22.3, MCV: 97.28. MCH:36.6, MCHC: 37.6, Platelet: 325, LDH: 984, Alk P: 378, SGOT: 59, SGPT: 40, Total Bilirubin: 2.23 Bilirubin direct: 0.9 

Electrophoresis: HbS: 78.8.% , HbF: 14.9%