
presence of thalassemia and sickle cell trait in a female patient 3

presence of thalassemia and sickle cell trait in a female patient 3
Author: Najmaldin Saki (Ph.D.); Sadaf Vaezi (B.Sc.); Alireza Ordo (B.Sc.); Seyed mohammad Sadegh Pezeshki (M.Sc.)
Category: Red Cell: Hemoglobin disorder
Published Date: 01/19/2019

In this case, we present a 45 years old female patient suffering from thalassemia and sickle cell anemia. As you can see in figure 1 we presented complete blood count and hemoglobin (Hb) electrophoresis results. Patient showed microcytic – hypochromic anemia (RBC: 5.06/ μl; Hb: 11.6 g/dL; HCT: 36.8%; MCV: 72.7; MCH: 22.9; MCHC: 31.5; RDW: 18.8%) (Fig.1B) and Hb electrophoresis confirmed α thalassemia and sickle cell trait with following fractions: HbA (69.2%); HbF (1.9%); HbS (26.3%); HbA2 (2.2%); Z1 zone (0.4%) (Fig.1A). Also, you can see result of sickle cell prep test (shines from microscopic examination). Also, you can see result of sickle cell prep test (shines from microscopic examination). Also, you can see result of sickle cell prep test (shines from microscopic examination)