
Morphological variants of plasma cell myeloma cases 1-3

Morphological variants of plasma cell myeloma cases  1-3
Author: Dr. Vinoth kumar G, MD; Dr. Rutvi Dave MD; Dr. Tulasi Geever MD; Dr. Nitty Mathews MD; Dr. Arpana Palle MD; Dr. Fouzia N.A DM; Dr. Anup J Devasia DM; Dr.Vikram Mathews DM; Dr. Elanthenral Sigamani MD; Dr. Marie Therese Manipadam MD; Dr. Sukesh C Nair MD
Category: Lymphoma: Mature B-cell and Plasma cell Neoplasms > Plasma Cell Neoplasm > Plasma cell myeloma
Published Date: 08/17/2020

Figure I (1-3 cases). Case:01(A-C) Bone marrow (BM)  aspiration showed atypical plasma cells  with Auer rod like inclusions. Case 02 peripheral smear () showed small lymphocytes  / lympho - plasmocytoid like plasma cells. BM trephine(2B&2C): Solidly cellular marrow with medium sized atypical lymphoid cells with irregular nuclear membrane, coarse chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and scant cytoplasm. Case: 3-A peripheral smear showing Hairy cell like plasma cells ( 3B&3C): BM trephine: (3B)Diffuse and interstitial infiltrates of atypical cells. (3C)  Atypical small to medium sized plasmacytoid cells with high N/C ratio, coarse chromatin and scant cytoplasm